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BC – Before Children….

This popped up on my Timehop today as a photograph. It was obviously before the twins came along, I’d class 5 hours as a good training week these days. Not just a Sunday Spin. I took a look at the route and can remember parts of it, but not all of it. I headed off to West Waterford, out around Cappoquin and Aglish (where the only Hindu Styled Bridge in Ireland is – look for yourself) and back into Dungarvan.

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Michael Hernandez: Asheville Ride

Michael Hernandez from Aevolo Cycling (Long term friends of the site) talks to us about his favourite loop/ride. Read More

Jason Saltzman – My go to ride

Jason Saltzman from Aevolo Cycling (Long term friends of the site) talks to us about his favourite loop/ride. Read More

It’s TdF Time, Baby.

Slightly later than planned, it’s a Tour de France preview, recorded while Stage Two was ongoing. We sit down and talk about our options.

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Empire State of Mind: Where to now for Team Ineos

Going into the 2020 Season it looks like Team Ineos has the strongest team of all time put together. In reality, is this true? Or could they be heading for what looks like a different style of team altogether?

When you say the names Carapaz (Current Giro Winner), Bernal (Current Tour de France Winner), Thomas (Last year’s Tour de France Winner) and Froome (4 x Tour de France, Giro, 2 x Vuelta) you have to wonder what they can’t win next year, in reality how do you manage these riders and get them to ride for someone else. Which brings us to the point if you look past the headline names are Team Ineos changing to a model of Galácticos, rather than structure around a defined leader. Read More

Don’t want to Use Spotify ?

Not everyone uses Spotify, and not everyone can afford a premium account so what alternatives are there ? I know some people will point to Apple Music or Deezer, but I think YouTube is a gold mine for music. And there’s a fantastic app I’ve discovered in the last while called Headsetapp. Read More

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