BC – Before Children….

This popped up on my Timehop today as a photograph. It was obviously before the twins came along, I’d class 5 hours as a good training week these days. Not just a Sunday Spin. I took a look at the route and can remember parts of it, but not all of it. I headed off to West Waterford, out around Cappoquin and Aglish (where the only Hindu Styled Bridge in Ireland is – look for yourself) and back into Dungarvan.

From there I managed to make my way down the famous Coast Road that stretches from Dungarvan, through Bonmahon, onto Tramore. I turned inland just after Bonmahon and headed for Kill (Kill is the English translation of Cill (Church) or Coill (Wood)) It’s testament in itself that I just went off for a pure wander that day, going from Kill along the rolling section into Kilmeaden and turning back for home.

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