Durango Unchained
Durango resident and Aevolo rider Nick McKey from Aevolo Cycling (Long term friends of the site) talks to us about his favourite loop/ride. Read More
Episode 47 – In Conversation with Daniel Friebe
After much ado, and multiple cancelled and missed calls, Daniel Friebe (Author, Reporter, Journalist, Tv Personality and Speed Golf Expert) and Derek finally catch up. They discuss Daniel’s time at Mapei, his route into Journalism and more.
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Episode 19 – Van Aert, Benoot, Kittel and Wiggins’s Bob
This week on the Podcast – John and Derek discuss the honesty of Wout Van Aert v’s Jeorme Cousin. Are Sprint Trains a thing of the past ? They also talk about Paris Nice, Tirreno Adriatico and Bradley Wiggins’s borrowing my mothers 1990s haircut.
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4 – Jason Saltzman talks Playlists
Jason Saltzman from Aevolo Cycling (Long term friends of the site) talks to us the current iteration of his playlists and what music drives him. Read More
Video : Tom Pidcock : STEPPING UP TO ELITE
Tom Pidcock’s rise has been something that’s intrigued me quite a bit over the last while. Earmarked as the next great white hope of British Cycling since he was an U16, he has followed his own path. And I’ve wondered over the last year or so if the puff has gone out of his hype train. With the likes of Evenpoel, Simmons, Eekhoff, etc all stepping up as such young ages I had wondered was the value diminshing in his stature.
This video gives a good insight into his background, and into his makeup and has made me question my assesment of him. If you have the time, it’s certainly worth the watch
Jamie Blanchfield – King’s Country
Jamie Blanchfield is the man who got me round the Ronde this year and now has branched out with his own company, premierendurance.ie. So I flicked him a Whatsapp and asked him for his favourite training route, here’s what he had to say.